Friday, September 6, 2013

Oh Disney, and Thank You Page Viewers!!

So today at Contemporary Improv we were just fooling around looking at songs, so this kid takes the guitar and (hes joking its not really that bad) Starts making fake voice cracks and all this stuff, then, i say, Bad vocals, Bad technique, its sounds like a disney channel song! How many of you have seen Teen Beach Movie? I swear it's scarier than the Shining. Like, my brother dared me to watch it for a chocolate bar. Of course I said yes, Or I would have been breaking the chocolatey dragicornian code. So it starts off when they are at the beach surfing, and then the aunt comes to pick the girl up to go to school, then they end up in the movie and there is a song. And in the song, there are lyrics that say, "It's a BIKINI WONDERLAND" What the fudgecicles does society really call that music? WHAT HAS BECOME OF THIS CRUEL CRUEL WORLD WE LIVE IN TODAY?? Okay, now that I got that out of my system, I want to thank you for the 6 pageviews in Serbia, and the 23 views in the US! I know that I just started, and thats not alot, but its still awesome to me! So Thank You!

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